The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Protect Your Savings, Boost Your Income, and Grow Wealthy Even in the Worst of Times
An informative book that reads quickly, although much if it, sadly, is already outdated, even though it just came out. Such is the problem of publishing a book like this during the tumultuous era we are in. The book has some good ideas, though, and the author's father, from whom the author received first hand knowledge, was very successful during the Great Depression.
Unfortunately, I do not think the book successfully explains the downside of using leverage ETFs, which it advocates, especially during a longer period of time. (They actually are not advantageous over any long-term stretch of time, unless the market is going in the direction in which one is levered.)
Also, it seems as though the author spends a lot of time advertising his site, which, undoubtedly, is to be expected and offers some free information. However, the site sells individual mutually exclusive products that cost 100s or 1000s of dollars, so where the author tries to state in his book that he is working for the little guy, his site, in actuality, is mostly intended for more wealthy clientele.
The book is worth a read, although I would not purchase it, especially for $30. The book doesn't offer enough information, in my opinion; I will just take a few pages of notes and return it to the library.